2023-10-21 11:38:03

I have a great interest for this opportunity to join the administration’s team of our illustrious organization Retour au Pays Natal (RPN). My desire to make my contribuƟon, my love for volunteering and the challenges linked to the administration of a non-profit organization which helps nearly 40,000 members of our community are the keys of my motivation.

Before its creation in 2013, I had personally contributed, on several occasions, to various fundraising initiatives initiated by compatriots facing the difficulties and unable to deal with the exorbitant costs to bring back home the family’s corps of their missing lovely one. Since the advent of the RPN, this kind of humiliaƟons has completely in our community. The results of the RPN over these 10 years is unbelievable. This success would not have been possible without the hard work of the illustrious members who have served in different positions in our organization.

It’s certain that the exponential growth of our community, increasingly larger from year to another, will ultimately require strategies and will constitute a big challenge for our organization. This challenge will only be met if dedicated members give some of their time and experience to the RPN’s administration. Through my 13 years of life in Canada and in the community, my various experiences in volunteer and professional activities, my training and my ability to face and adapt to difficult situations, I consider myself a better choice for the board of directors of our organization.
Bonjour Félicitations pour votre candidature aux élections du CA RPN. Troc Radio souhaiterai consacrer 45 - 70 minutes avec vous en onde pour savoir plu au sujet de votre engagement. Merci de nous contacter au 514-9637529 .
Effectivement c’est tout une affaire de compétences avant le bénévolat.
Très inspirant, je sens que tu as beaucoup chose à donner
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