2023-10-21 08:11:00

Ladies and Gentlemen, 
I am Maxim Aurelien Tchetche Yumno, Cameroonian of birth and aged 42 . I am a IT Infrastructure Analyst.
It is with a singular homour and enthousiasm that I hereby foward my candidature for a position in the Board of Administration of the RPN. Candidature presented by TODJOM CANADA.

It is thus my singular desire to reinforce the bond between the RPN association and its members.
In Charge of Social Affairs within Todjom Canada for a mandate of two years, I gave myself the objective to unite and consolidate all posible social ties within the association. Tangible results of this effort are visible within then Todjom today. That not witstanding, I am also Vice President of the Administrative Board of Garderie la Bergerie, where I have the honour to offer benevolent services.
With this same spirit, I will be highly honoured to offer my contribution for the advancement and consolidation of our Human Valued Respect and Inclusive organisation the, RPN.

For its sustainability, communication within and with all sister organisations needs to be constantly consolidated.
In the course of 2021, I gave myself the challange to invite and convince a maximum number of our compatriots to adher to their differents association in order to enroll into the RPN and today, I can boast of haven convinced 56 members to join the RPN.

One of my goal is to effectively contribute in the organisation of information sessions on varied key themes that can edify our fellow countrymen to integrate the RPN
Keeping in mind that collective work is a source of enrichment and fulfillment, together with other members of the Board, emphasis shall be laid on informing and encouraging both old resident and newly arrived Cameroonians on why it is paramount for them to be members of the RPN.

I however have the conviction that, despite the existence of diverse opinions, it is important to keep a constructive approach towards other existing Cameroonian and foreign institutions and organisations for us to remain strong and united.

Dear board members, accept all my thanks for the interest and time allocated to appreciate my membership application.
Bonjour Félicitations pour votre candidature aux élections du CA RPN. Troc Radio souhaiterai consacrer 45 - 70 minutes avec vous en onde pour savoir plu au sujet de votre engagement. Merci de nous contacter au 514-9637529 .
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