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Retour Au Pays Natal

An initiative to ensure dignified and respectful repatriations for members of Canada's African community. Join us in this mission of solidarity by honoring our dead and ensuring their return to their homelands with love and compassion.

Find out more

Some key points


Active members

$CA 0.30

Coefficient of individual participation by member


Our commitment

Our goals


Offer you the services you need


Offer you the services you need


Bringing a little dignity and humanism


Bringing a little dignity and humanism


Giving grieving families a chance to mourn


Giving grieving families a chance to mourn

African solidarity repatriation

A solidarity initiative for dignified repatriation in Canada's African community

Following the disappearance of a member of the Cameroonian community in Canada, it has become customary to witness the anguish and hardship associated with organizing public fundraisers for repatriating the remains of our loved ones. This practice, rather than being an isolated incident, is increasingly prevalent. In light of the high cost of comprehensive repatriation insurance in North America to aid in such situations, it is distressing to observe that more of us are living in isolation here in Canada. Some individuals may believe they are protected by subscribing to one or more life insurance policies, but when death occurs, the community is left shamefully resorting to public raising of funds for repatriation.

Faced with this phenomenon that is far from the essence of the African Diaspora in Canada, RPN (Retour Au Pays Natal) decided to take proactive steps to set up an organization that encompasses all Cameroonians groups and associations anxious to eradicate the phenomenon of public fundraising whenever a death occurs. RPN has a harmonious and organized approach based on the strength of numbers. We believe that each death is a loss to the community and as such, we call on community members to act with compassion and commitment.

As the membership grows, individual contribution decreases, facilitating the respectful repatriation of our loved ones' remains, honoring their final wishes and bringing comfort to bereaved families.

This message resonates with all community members, urging proactive consideration, as death touches us all eventually. Join RPN and ensure compassionate handling for those we cherish.

Services offered


the repatriation of individuals to their homeland or fulfill the last wishes of the deceased.


individual contributions through collective contributions, as the more the participants, the less you pay.


that bereaved families receive all entitled administrative benefits, including annuities.


funeral arrangements in accordance with the preferences of the deceased or their family.


a respectful and seamless return of the remains of loved ones.


equal coverage to all family members residing in Canada.


the services of a funeral director for funeral services.


opportunities to the bereaved family to grieve without stress.


the community in compassion around the common experience of death.


a better alternative to public fundraising during the loss of community members.


dignity and respect in handling the repatriation of loved ones' remains.


widespread notification of each death to foster community solidarity.

Our Mission

“One of RPN's goals is to inspire all community members to join an association of their preference. We advocate against isolation and encourage participation in community groups to prevent occurrences like those witnessed in Canada previously. Often, individuals' nationalities are only revealed posthumously, leaving them disconnected from community support. Such situations can be deeply embarrassing, underscoring the importance of belonging to an association or group in our community.”